Friday, June 6, 2014

How Could I Not Go

August 23rd I'll be catching a flight to Michigan. I'll be attending New Tribes Bible Institute, I can hardly believe it's happening because three years ago I told myself I couldn't. I ignored the Holy Spirits nudges to look into the school, I looked into many other missions possibilities but refused to even look at New Tribes. Tribal Missions, the most unreached, the conviction and joy sprung up in my heart at the thought, but I blamed those thoughts and feelings on a passionate missions teacher. I told myself it's not possible for me, no way could I, just look at me overweight, unfit, no discipline, way too shy, and I love some good old American creature comforts. Some things have changed in three years, but some days, okay most, I just want to be comfortable or I forget how big and great God is. Recently I've been feeling doubtful about my choices to go to NTBI so I asked God to remind me why I'm going, and to show me that it really is His Will for my life. Right then two verses in my bible study that day convicted me, with Gods love and desire for all to know Him. But it didn't end there, one thing after another God spoke to every part of me, complete with tears at a coffee shop. At a bible study the teacher said “Why don't we want to go further for the Lord?”. Those words opened the floodgates of memory in me.
Tears at a coffee shop

Just a year ago I was working with youth at a family camp for the summer, God used that summer to once again push me toward New Tribes as the next step. Starting out that summer I didn't know what was next, I wasn't sure where I would go or what I would do when that summer ended. It came to my mind often, but I had clearly been led to work there for the summer so I knew in Gods timing I would know where to go next. I often thought about the trip to Haiti I look earlier that year, I knew I wouldn't be satisfied with an ordinary life and I didn't want to be.

What would the perfect life look like in 20 years? What car would you drive? What kind of house? How many kids? What will matter when you look back at that life in 20 years? Will the free time and the house really be what was worth it? Perhaps the money you made? What do you really want your next 20 years to look like? Those where the questions I pondered every week last summer as a fellow worker presented a lesson to the kids about what a life for Christ might look like. I couldn’t ignore it every week he would ask the kids what their perfect life would look like in 20 years? It made me think about the future in a new light. I was at a cross roads and planned on working somewhere for a while, it looked a lot like wasting time because I didn't expect much out of life and I wanted to stay comfortable. But would I really care about how comfortable I was looking back on that time? The unreached, lost people that don't know what Jesus did for them, what about them? Do you really expect someone else to go? Why not you? It's not about you. But how cliche to commit your life to missions at a summer camp.

I began to dream of a people, my brothers, my sisters, lost. Would I not seek out to find my own flesh and blood brother or sister on this earth. What if it was my spiritual brother or sister and they are lost from my eternal family. How could I not give up every comfort here to have them for eternity. If I really believe in God, Jesus, Heaven, Hell, everything spoken of in this book the Bible. Why wouldn't I give up everything on this earth for the things that matter in my eternal home? Why would I let creature comforts ever have a say in my choices, when Jesus told us this isn't our home, we will face persecution, it won't be easy, drop your nets, come follow me, I will make you fishers of men. Really, go make disciples of all nations, and for goodness sake stop being afraid, the great I Am is with you.

That is the really short version, there is so much more I could say, but those are the parts of the story I'll leave you with for now. Please continue to pray for me and the work God already has planned. Please pray for upcoming school expenses to be provided for, as of April 20th $880 has come into my scholarship account, approximately $4,480 is what I will need for my first semester. Also pray for finances for CEF here in Lewis County, for the funds to come in for fair, camp and other summer expenses.

A scholarship has been set up with my church for those of you who would like to help financially with my missions training. Gifts can be sent to Faith Community Bible Church / 3648 F Street / Bremerton WA 98312. Gifts will be tax deductible. Please make checks out to Faith Community Bible Church and add a note designating the gift is for “Mission Training: Josephine”.
