Monday, September 1, 2014

Hello from Michigan

I made it to Michigan and started classes last week. I live on the third floor of this old school building that I hope to call home for the next two years. I share my dorm room with two other girls. I'm on the top bunk, I had a feeling I would be. I'm writing to you from my very own desk in our room. The weather is hot and humid, I'm enjoying it now while I can before the winter comes. The hardest rule for me to follow is wearing shoes in the hallways.

My classes this semester are The Love of God, Bibliology, Biblical Foundations, Pentateuch, Old Testament History, Proverbs, Hermeneutics, Evangelism in a Postmodern World, and History of Doctrine & Practice. I am in the freshman class this semester, there are around 65 students in my class. In addition to classes I also have student work program, which means for about three hours a week I take care of a job here at the school. My job is cleaning the Freshman classroom. I'll also be assigned weeks that I will be on kitchen crew, cleaning up after meals.
On Sunday I went to a church up in Lansing about 45min drive away. There are many things I enjoyed about the church, but I plan to look at some closer churches before I decide. Please pray for this decision as I visit some different churches in the next couple weeks.
I have been looking for a job here as I only have money for the first semester right now. I very much dislike looking for a job. It stresses me out, but I know God will provide for what He wants me to do. As I continue to pray and search for a job I am so thankful for those of you who have supported me financially for school and continue to do so. I am so blessed to be here and I choose to be faithful to what God has given me for right now because my future is in His hands and not mine to worry over. Please pray I will be faithful with this time I have and for Gods provision for future expenses.
I am thankful for all your prayers as I make this transition to school.