Wednesday, August 31, 2016


The last several weeks have been constant change. The five days I took to drive across the states from Washington to Michigan was a fun adventure. I loved the hours in the car listening to one CD after the next. Seeing sights and country that I've never seen before, thanking God for the creation and that I have this opportunity to see it. Eventually the tunes got old and I would talk to my mom on the phone as well as my sister. The last couple days got heavy and more difficult to enjoy the more tired I became. I arrived in Michigan on Friday night after my most trying day of driving (toll roads, construction, and Chicago). I had lots of catch up time as I saw one person after another. It was good to catch up with old friends and reminisce at the place I'd spent the last two years. 

As I left for Canada on Wednesday morning I felt nauseous and not ready to face the day. Despite feeling ill I made it to the school in Canada that evening complete with a school visa. I then settled in knowing I'd spend the next year and a half of my life here. I knew this was everything I'd been planning and praying for and now as I was finally here all I could do was fight back a mess of tears. I was completely uncomfortable and nothing was familiar. (Let me clarify so you don't get me wrong everyone here is friendly and I love it, the apartment is beautiful and like I said it was everything I'd been working toward.) It was just like all my insecurities and struggles where just under the surface like an ugly zit on my forehead just about to burst. I was so overwhelmed with all the things I'd seen, and all the conversations I'd had. 

My second evening here I finally had a moment where it was all about me and I just cried laying all of me on the table, all of my insecurities - I'm not the one to do this, I can't, this is crazy, there are so many more qualified people in this world, why me, ect.
So to reflect on what I was feeling and still do feel in a form, I'm overwhelmed by the weakness of myself. During the summer I heard about the strength that other Christians have, I watched them parade it like a prize. That was exactly the problem though, it wasn't about what they have or what I don't have. It's about Christ. How I feel about others is a constant heart check of where my eyes are. Are they on the temporary things of this world or are they on Christ?
I am overwhelmed by Christ and that's why I choose to follow Him to missions training and to the mission field. Not because I'm strong, many are stronger than I am. Not even because of compassion for lost people. No, I don't go because of who I am. I go because of who God is and what He has done for me and every person on this planet. Christ gave His life for us, he paid the punishment and if I can trust Him with my salvation then I can certainly trust Him with the next year and a half in Canada, and wherever He leads from here. His strength is enough and I go not because I have a strength to parade but because God has a strength to be paraded. To God be the glory, great things He has done.
So in summary of the last month, I am overwhelmed with many things as I transition to the next chapter of missions but I am more overwhelmed by God and His greatness.

  • Praise God for getting me here safely and with all the necessary papers
  • Praise God for the people here who have made me feel at home
  • Praise God for how He has been working in my heart
  • Please continue to pray for my growth here at school
  • Please pray that I would completely rely on God as He continues to grow me. That I would have confidence in who He is as I find myself to be lacking.

Thank you for your continued support as the body of Christ.


Monday, May 23, 2016


On May 14th I graduated from New Tribes Bible institute. The two years at this school has gone by fast. As I look back on my time I am impressed with how God has been growing me to trust Him more and more every day. The two years have been characteristic of God showing me how great and faithful He is and how fallen and frail I am. I already miss the good fellowship I had with fellow students, but I know God will provide a community of believers for each of us where we are going next.
I've talked a lot about going to the New Tribes Training Center in Missouri. Plans have changed slightly. I will be continuing on with New Tribes training but in a different location. I will be going to the training center in Canada instead of the USA location. The place I will be attending is called Emanate, it's the Canadian New Tribes training center. For the most part it is the same training with some minor differences. The class size for this Fall is about 15 students. The training is three semesters in length. This training also has a month of jungle camp which the Missouri location doesn't have, this will be a good way to put into practice a lot of the planning and basic living that will be helpful on the field. I am planning to drive to the training center which is about 40 hours drive from my parents home in Washington. I'm still working out a lot of details of this trip, but I'm excited about this next chapter in my life.

 I'll be back in Washington for June and July. I have plans to be a supervisor at Christian Youth and Action camp in June. I'm excited to be involved in some ministry this summer and look forward to seeing how God uses the time.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Update Letter

Hello to all my family and friends, 

Thank you for your continued support for me as I pursue missions with New Tribes Missions. I am in my last semester here at the bible school in Jackson Michigan. As of this month all my bills for school here at New Tribes Bible Institute (NTBI) have been paid. Thank you for your prayers, financial support, and encouragement. I have been blessed to see first hand many of you partnering with me in missions while I am still in training and ministry here in the states. Thank you for being a part of what God is doing in my life and in the world.

Every semester here at NTBI has brought new challenges and responsibilities on top of school. Here's a few of the highlights. The first two semesters and half of the Summer I was working at an adult care facility. I learned a lot about dependence at my job as I cared for those who couldn't care for themselves completely anymore. I also had the opportunity my first semester to teach at a Good News Club with CEF. I had the sweetest girls in this club who taught me that I'm a missionary right now. Unfortunately working with GNC didn't continue past the first semester. My second year I started co-teaching 7th and 8th grade Sunday school with two other students. I've been learning to work with a growing team, learning when to step up and when to hold back and let others step up. This school year I've also been learning Greek from my pastor here, it's been difficult because I don't have as much time as I would like to devote to this. I'm learning to have both patience and diligence in my time working on Greek. I've also been meeting about every two or three weeks with two ladies I used to work with. We have been doing a bible study with the book By This Name. For this last semester here at NTBI I was asked to be a part of the student leadership team. I am the new RA (Resident Assistant) of the dorm that I have been in this year.

So what's next and how can you be involved? I am planning to continue on in New Tribes training with the intention of working with them as my missions organization. They have a two and a half year training program in Missouri where I plan to go next, where I will get training for cross cultural missions. The reason I'm getting all this training is because I want to have the long term in mind. I want to be a missionary who is a part of reaching people for the gospel of Christ, those who don't have any Christians that speak their language. To do this will be a long process and I want to be well equipped to not just get there, but stay there long enough to have a successful church plant. New Tribes has set up their training to prepare a missionary for the long term successful missions. The cost per semester will be $3,091, not including personal expenses, food, or books for classes. I am in the process of applying to go this upcoming August. Please be praying for both the finances and the approval to go this next August. I am trusting God with the timing and finances of this next step.

Many of you have asked about what country I want to go to. I intend to choose a county to go to while at training in Missouri. I am not set on one country or one specific job, my desire is to be a part of reaching the unreached with the gospel. I have been thinking and praying about Papua New Guinea (PNG), as it has over 800 different languages and many people there are asking for missionaries to come. Also New Tribes is already active in PNG, they know of the needs and there are roles ready to be filled. My desire right now is to have a role in church planting and bible translation, but I will continue to trust God with this and see where He would have me.

Here are some ways you can continue to pray for me:
  • For my continued growth in my faith and understanding of God. 
  • For my new responsibilities, and continued diligence with what I've been doing. 
  •  Pray for me to become a better communicator and that I would have my confidence in God with the things He has entrusted me with.
  •  Please pray for the next step of training, both for finances and timing.
With Love in Christ
- Josephine