Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Pre-camp Spirit

Once a week we have dinner with an older lady, it is a highlight to my week. She has been dear to my heart since the moment I met her. We joke like old friends and the realness and love about her touch my heart. She has a little dog named Spirit and he adores me, probably because I give him attention the minute I walk in the door.

The last couple weeks I've been sick, but I am slowly getting better. I've been doing quite a lot of inventory of the teaching materials in the office, my attention to detail and relentless spirit is perfect for the job, plus I get to see all the old stuff that's been hidden away for years.

Some of the teaching materials

This weekend we have pre-camp, I'm excited about this because I'll get to meet some of the teens who will be at camp and start to form those friendships. I remember when I went to camp as a teen back in 2007 & 2008, my first time at camp I jumped right in. I wanted to teach the story, I was horrid at it and I knew it but that was why I was there. I'd never felt the Holy Spirit so strongly guide me to a place and He gave me the courage to follow through every step of the way, doing the hardest things for such a shy home school kid to do. I had the coolest team coaching me along, and our team leader was full of hope and excitement for how God would use us. I remember her talking to me one day at camp about my hopes and dreams for the future, she encouraged me to go into full time missions with the plans I had, it was the first time I remember thinking of my future and full time missions in the same thought. The teens at camp are there for many different reasons, some just because their parents sent them. But whatever the motivation to come, God's Word is opened and taught from, and camp is full of Christians passionate about God, many who have been in full time ministry their whole lives. Teens are learning how to share the Gospel, and to teach God's word. This atmosphere not only teaches skills but produces growth and inspires passion.

Pre-camp will be May 30th and 31st , it will mainly be a lot of classroom time. Please pray for the teens to have focus and understanding, that they would be encouraged and know better how to prepare for camp. Pray for the leaders that will be teaching that they would be well prepared and speak clearly with confidence. 


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Jo. Read Your Bible.

A good friend, who I spent much of my free time with last summer, would commonly tell me to read my Bible. It was the best advice I received the whole summer. Not some disciplined this is my quiet time everyday, but special time with God just because I can, because I have that freedom. This week those words “Jo, read your Bible” echoed in my mind several times, I took the hint and read more when I had the time, but God was preparing my heart for a time later in the week that I didn't know about yet. I had the opportunity to go to a teacher training in another county and afterword go to lunch with the group. It was so good to hear how God has been using each one to share the Gospel with the children and in some cases the parents. I visited a church on Sunday that I hadn't been to before, there was a breakfast for mothers day which gave me a chance to talk with some different people. A highlight was talking with an older couple who had served with New Tribes Mission for 10 years in Thailand. Wednesday I went to bible study in the morning then got lost trying to find the gospel mission for lunch, I found out later I had the wrong address. Once I gave up on finding the place I went to where I would have club that afternoon, just to make sure I could find it. After finding the school I kept driving down the road hoping to find a spot I could stop and spend my time before club began. Then I remember “read your Bible”, “yes” I thought “I'll stop at a park, and I can read my bible.” I prayed I would find a quiet place to stop. Just down the road I found a church, yes that was the place, I stopped and found some shade under a tree. This was the time God had been preparing my heart to find this week to spend some special time with just Him. The silence was a blessing, God used the time to refresh me, leaving behind all the dramas of life, and input from those around me. This time was for just us, His word and the Holy Spirit to speak into my life without distraction, without fears, resting in His presence.

Thank you for your prayers this week. Every time drama builds, God has been reminding me of His truths.

Please pray for the last few weeks of the good news club, for the kids that the truths they have been learning would affect their lives.


Friday, May 9, 2014

Summer Sea

This Summer I am working in Lewis county with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF). The season will be full of 5-day clubs, fair outreach, Christian Youth In Action (CYIA), Good News Across America (GNAA) and some odd jobs here and there. Just in the first week here I've met so many new people at church activities and around town. Soon after arriving, I was asked to teach at a club the next day - complete with the warning this club has a rowdy bunch. I got to co-lead the club with a very sweet lady who so nicely stepped in to help out, as the normal club leader couldn't make it. The club went well and was a good reminder to be ready, willing and flexible in ministry. It looks like I'll get to help out at this club for two or three more weeks until school ends. Organizing some office stuff was the next job. I got the room with all the boxes and stuff to organize and put on shelves. It all got put away and ready just in time for the state board to meet in that room.

As this Summer ministry takes place, I want to have a heart willing to be used by God - to have my focus on Christ as everything happens. My most common prayer request at this point in my life has been for me to focus on Christ. It sounds very "Christianese," but let me show you what I see behind that simple phrase. Matthew 14:22-33 is the story where Jesus walks on the water. When I read this passage I thought I wouldn’t have been as fast to step out on the water as Peter was. I probably would have been holding on to the boat, stepping with one foot to see if it's safe. But looking into Jesus eyes, He captivates the soul, and I am inclined to walk in the path He has for me. As soon as my eyes stray and I see my inabilities or am overwhelmed by life, I begin to sink like Peter. When my confidence is in God I can face anything, but when I start to look at myself I get insecure and overwhelmed. The words "you're useless" echo in my head and I wonder why God would choose me when so many others would not. Just like in Peter's case, Jesus will reach out and pull me up. My God does not abandon me, but He gives me His grace to handle everything that comes my way.

Please pray for me this summer to keep my focus on Christ.


First Blog

The time has come to write a blog. I'm nervous about the idea of speaking out to the internet world - I'm not really sure who will read, who might be offended, or simply not like me. I feel cliche having a blog, and I have no confidence in my writing abilities.

I do like to ramble on though. I hope it will be a good way to keep you up to date. Come read as much or as little as you like. I plan to share some of my life with you. I hope to make you laugh, make you think, and perhaps, at times, make you cry. I want to be real with you. My desire is that my life would point you back to Jesus - He is my savior and source of hope. Even in my worst failures His love for me endures.

Please keep me in your prayers,
