Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Pre-camp Spirit

Once a week we have dinner with an older lady, it is a highlight to my week. She has been dear to my heart since the moment I met her. We joke like old friends and the realness and love about her touch my heart. She has a little dog named Spirit and he adores me, probably because I give him attention the minute I walk in the door.

The last couple weeks I've been sick, but I am slowly getting better. I've been doing quite a lot of inventory of the teaching materials in the office, my attention to detail and relentless spirit is perfect for the job, plus I get to see all the old stuff that's been hidden away for years.

Some of the teaching materials

This weekend we have pre-camp, I'm excited about this because I'll get to meet some of the teens who will be at camp and start to form those friendships. I remember when I went to camp as a teen back in 2007 & 2008, my first time at camp I jumped right in. I wanted to teach the story, I was horrid at it and I knew it but that was why I was there. I'd never felt the Holy Spirit so strongly guide me to a place and He gave me the courage to follow through every step of the way, doing the hardest things for such a shy home school kid to do. I had the coolest team coaching me along, and our team leader was full of hope and excitement for how God would use us. I remember her talking to me one day at camp about my hopes and dreams for the future, she encouraged me to go into full time missions with the plans I had, it was the first time I remember thinking of my future and full time missions in the same thought. The teens at camp are there for many different reasons, some just because their parents sent them. But whatever the motivation to come, God's Word is opened and taught from, and camp is full of Christians passionate about God, many who have been in full time ministry their whole lives. Teens are learning how to share the Gospel, and to teach God's word. This atmosphere not only teaches skills but produces growth and inspires passion.

Pre-camp will be May 30th and 31st , it will mainly be a lot of classroom time. Please pray for the teens to have focus and understanding, that they would be encouraged and know better how to prepare for camp. Pray for the leaders that will be teaching that they would be well prepared and speak clearly with confidence. 


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