Sunday, July 6, 2014

God is Faithful

Currently my missions training fund for school is at $1,690. Praise God for His faithfulness to provide. My first tuition payment of $2,480 is due August 1st. It's exciting to see Fall semester getting closer and finances beginning to line up. Please continue to pray for upcoming school financial needs, and the details as I start school in less than two months.

Many times God has told me to not worry about the financial side of what He tells me to do. Take the step in obedience and trust in God's faithfulness. While I was preparing for camp a few weeks back I was informed of financial needs for summer ministry that didn't seem to be met yet. At first I took it personally, and was upset with the emotions being forced upon me. But then I looked to God calling out to Him, knowing in my own strength these emotions would get the better of me. As I read through the verses I was memorizing for camp I asked God to use His simple truth to speak into my life. The last verse I had heard many times, it was Hebrews 13:5b “I will never leave you nor forsake you” curious of the context I read starting at the beginning of verse 5 “Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.” As I read this verse it soaked deep to the heart of the matter. I can be content with what God has given now and confident that He will provide for tomorrow. Don't get me wrong I will ask God for what I need and be faithful to the work He leads me in, but at the end of the day I can be content knowing that what I have is what God planned. I will not love the stability that money brings, I will choose to love my God and trust in His never ending faithfulness.

On another note Christian Youth in Action camp went well, God continued to challenge my faith. I have a few gems from camp, I'm just not ready to share yet.

Upcoming, I will be going to Good News Across America in Portland July 14-26. I would appreciate your prayers in this adventure. We already know of one group in Portland who met to organize opposition to Good News Across America.

Summer Teaching Materials

A brief description of GNAA

A prayer guide for GNAA

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