Monday, August 18, 2014

My feet are dirty but my spirit is happy

The summer is coming to a close. Thank you for all your prayers and finance support. It's been a busy and difficult summer, but my spirit was overjoyed to see the work being done. God has been good and faithful through these Summer months to work through me and in me. I am amazed at His loving kindness for His people and His deep longing for the lost to know Him. I have written a few highlights so you may praise God for the work He has done.

5-day clubs and fair outreach made up a good part of my Summer. I loved getting to know the children, and was blessed with seeing a glimpse of Gods unfailing love for each one. At a fair outreach there was a little girl who made a decision to believe in Jesus as her savior. I could see the Holy Spirit working in her life immediately as she was eager to read her new Bible. Another little girl at a 5-day club who was only 5 years old, would came back to counseling every day. She knew she needed what we were sharing but didn't understand yet. Each day of club she understood a little bit more, by the last day she understood the whole gospel and her faith was in Jesus to save her. 

While I was doing a club at Good News Across America in Portland, I had the opportunity to talk with a mother of some children at our club. It was our last day of club and they had just happened to come to the park we were at. I talked with the mother through the whole club time. As I shared the gospel with her, it was like she was seeing for the first time. I could see the Holy Spirit working in her heart, right then she believed on Jesus as her savior. Then as my new sister in Christ we began to share our lives with each other. I told her my testimony and she shared with me much of her past, even things she had never told anyone before. She told me about her grandmothers bible that she had sitting at the head of her bed at home, she had never read it but now she was excited to open it and learn more about her savior. I was so blessed to be a part of this woman's journey to Christ, I was overjoyed to see the Holy Spirit at work.

I was honored to know each person I met this Summer, many that were very difficult to leave. This summer God made me feel and look right into the depths of my loneliness. It has been a difficult summer not having anything that stayed constant except God alone. With this came great joy in leaning into Christ for my comfort, and guidance. I belong to Jesus, He paid for me with His blood on the cross. I have made a choice to follow Him, especially when times are hard. When I choose to look at circumstances or feelings, and say God is good and I choose to follow His will for my life. There in the center of God's will for my life I find desires fulfilled that I didn't even know about. If I truly believe in eternity, and that I serve a good God, why would I not give every part of me for His kingdoms cause.

On the 23rd of August I will be flying to Michigan to start school at New Tribes Bible institute. $3100 was given to my school tuition, thank you to those who gave and have been praying, God has been faithful to provide. Please continue to pray for me as I start this new journey. Pray that I will be able to find a job at school. Please pray for me to use my time wisely as I learn to juggle school, ministry, and work. I have noticed some distractions that may come as I start school, please pray for me to be focused and able to learn.


“By your loyal love you will lead the people whom you have redeemed” - Exodus 15:13a (NET)

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