Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Wrapping Up Fall Semester

     It's unfortunate that I haven't been able to write more updates this last semester. It has been a busy semester, and I'm hoping this upcoming semester will be less crazy.
     The GNC here went well, two girls came who don't attend church and have strong Catholic influence. One had previously accepted Jesus as her savior and the other did so during club. They were both eager to learn more, they struggled with understanding that they don't need their own works to be saved. By the last day of club they could tell me the wordless book story and quote three key gospel verses. Please pray for these dear girls as there probably won't be a GNC in that school this Spring. Unfortunately I won't be doing GNC this Spring because of the time consuming aspect of it.
      I stayed in Jackson for most of Christmas break. I have been working for most of my time over break, it has been good to spend a lot more time with the residences of the nursing home I work at. In this line of work I see and feel grief that is much easier to avoid in life elsewhere. Death, even when expected, is not the way this world was meant to be. This life is short and we will fade away faster than we think. My job has been good for my perspective of life – I look at people and what is important in a more eternal mindset than I ever have before.
      School has been challenging in some ways and familiar in other ways. Going through the Old Testament I have come to a deeper understanding of God's wrath and His hatred of sin. It was difficult for me to see this part of God's character, it made me feel deceived and made me wonder what I really do understand about God. Seeing this made God's mercy and compassion so much greater in beauty and strength. It still boggles my mind to think of how God is so complete in his character and beyond my understanding.
      My initial payment for Spring semester has been covered, praise God for His faithfulness to provide. Thank you to all of you supporting me financially and in prayer – I appreciate seeing the body of Christ being fully involved in my missions training. Please continue to pray for me as God prepares me for the work He has prepared for me to do.
      Some of you have asked about helping with my school payments. A scholarship is set up with my church for those of you who would like to help financially with my missions training. Gifts can be sent to Faith Community Bible Church / 3648 F Street / Bremerton WA 98312. Gifts will be tax deductible. Please make checks out to Faith Community Bible Church and add a note designating the gift is for “Mission Training: Josephine.”

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