Saturday, May 30, 2015

Summer is Here

A year of school has just flown by and now here I am back in summertime again. I have chosen to stay here in Michigan for the summer at my current job, at which I am now working full time. I have been considering not working during this upcoming fall semester at school because I have heard it is one of the more difficult semesters and I also want to take full advantage of the classes offered, I am signed up for 18.6 credits for the Fall. Also I have been considering taking on a middle school age Sunday school class for this next year with some other New Tribes students. Please pray for me in making these choices concerning this next semester. I have plans to take a trip back to the west coast in August before school starts. I look forward to seeing all of you out there.

As I look back on this year of school I have observed that God has deeply impacted my heart and mind. I am pleased to say that those of my home church are responsible for many of the seeds planted that I now see growing in my life. The theme of New Tribes Bible Institute is “where Bible education and missions are one” knowing this I expected my heart for missions to grow, and don't get me wrong it has grown, but in a way I did not expect. I have seen great value and opportunity in ministry in our own country and in our own churches. Both the ministry here and the ministry to those in places that have much less or no opportunity to hear the Gospel are important and a part of what God is doing in the world. Both are needed and we should be working together as the body of Christ to see results.

As we studied the book of first Corinthians to finish out our school year here, I appreciated the picture of the body of Christ, and the importance and need for each person, it helped to complete this view I have of the importance of every christian to be involved. I have met several people with a strong passion that Christians should either be on the mission field to the unreached or supporting it. I agree with this and I would highly encourage you to be involved in supporting missions to the unreached in some way, but don't let it end there. I remember my first summer working with Child Evangelism Fellowship, the reason I did it was because I knew God wanted me to share the Gospel and CEF was doing that and they could train me to do the same. The reason I am so passionate for missions to the unreached is because I believe it is what God is doing in the world and I want to join Him in that.

So, why am I sharing this with you, because I want to encourage you to continue to or begin to seek God in Scripture. I want you to view this world through what He has said, discover what God is doing and join Him. As I start out this Summer, I want to begin by challenging you my friends, how are you involved in what God is doing? He has a place for you in the work He is doing, but it is your choice whether or not you will join Him. 

“Missions exists because worship doesn’t. Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man. When this age is over, and the countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the throne of God, missions will be no more” -John Piper Let the Nations Be Glad

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